A Day at Terminus Beach
"On Thursday afternoons and Sundays by ten AM, 7 orange colored Visalia Electric cars would run excursion from Visalia to Exeter to Lemon Cove and on to the beach resort. They would leave around midnight returning to Visalia. Dances would be held each Thursday evening and starting at 4:00 pm on Sunday afternoon." - Dixie Clarkson Ballew
The Visalia Electric Railroad was built into Lemon Cove in the summer of 1905. A few years later the railroad built a branch line to Lime Kiln, a short distance from Terminus Beach on the Kaweah River.

Old Wooden Bridge over the Kaweah River at Terminus Beach, 1916
Terminus Beach was owned and operated by Harry and Constance Ginner who came from England to Lemon Cove in 1905 and purchased the land from the Indians. The beach was on the north side of Lime Kiln Hill. Terminus Beach became a well known resort and afforded people from all over Tulare County a place to spend the hot summer afternoons and evenings.

Terminus Beach, 1916.
During the spring and summer there was swimming, dancing and picnics. They held constume contests, and potluck dinners, and even the occasional rodeo. It was here that Dixie Clarkson took her stunt plane ride over the guests.

Visalia Electric Railroad ticket, including a stop for Terminus Beach.
(Terminus Beach history from the notes of Nora Pogue Montgomery.)