2020 Festival of Trees - Best Use of Theme
St. Anthony’s Festival of Trees was a wonderful success for the Lemon Cove Women’s Club. The tree won the award for “Best Use of Theme.” That ribbon will look really cool next to the “Judge’s Favorite” from 2019 .
This did not all just magically happen. Many of our members worked very hard and contributed their talents to make this possible.
- Diane Thomas was in charge of the tree and it was adorable.
- Silent auction items by:
- Charlotte Lindner – Spa Basket with homegrown sponges and handmade soap
- Lisa Schultz and Dee Root – Pour paintings
- Diane and John Thomas and daughter Hillary – a basket of All Things Lemon
- Kelsey Lindner – a basket called “At Home in the Kitchen”
- Sue Hammond – a basket of LCWC jellies
- A contribution letter and auction information was mailed out by the Club
- Lisa Schultz and friend Allan - for the creative video about the clubhouse
- Karen Barber - for ramrodding the whole thing and not giving up when it got hard
Look for us at the auction next year!!
Holiday blessings and good tidings to all of our wonderful supporters.